Video: Preparing to answer
Video: Preparing to answer

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Before you begin to look at the questions for Sections 1 and 2, you should first look through the texts you are given and be able to answer the following questions. How many texts are there in one section? What type of texts are they? Letters? Schedules etc? Make sure you are clear which questions you should be answering from which text. For example, you may see this, so it should be clear that the first text only contains answers to the first 7 questions. The second text – still Section 1 – will contain the answers to Questions 8 to 14. Once you are clear on which questions relate to which texts, you should then look at the questions and see what types of question style you have to answer. Information on tips and how to answer the different types of question come later in this reading course. We will now practice using a Section 1 example.

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