Video: The 4 types of Task 2
Video: The 4 types of Task 2

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Before you can start to write a good response for Task 2, you need to identify which type of essay question it is. In the IELTS test, there are 4 possible types of task 2 essay, and each type is different in the way that you get ideas and present your paragraphs.

The first, and most common, of the 4 types is where you need to give an opinion or challenge a point of view. Here are some examples of this type of essay question. The basic point of these questions is that you are presented with a situation of a statement that you have to give opinions about.

The second type of Task 2 essay is when you are asked to compare points of view. Here are some examples. For this question type, you need to consider 2 different points of view, and then your opinion.

The third essay type requires you to give solutions to a problem. Here are some examples. [Shown on the video]

The final type of essay is where you need to discuss a given situation. Here are some examples. [Shown on the video]

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