Summary of this lesson

Summary of this lesson

In this lesson you should have learned… the recommended ways of timing your writing for Task 2 how to edit your work how to apply a checklist of common errors to look for when editing how to quickly and accurately edit your paragraphs Now take the end of lesson...
Essential vocabulary for this lesson

Essential vocabulary for this lesson

To complete this lesson, you will need to know the following vocabulary. When you are sure you know all the words, continue to the next page. EDIT OMIT MOTIVATED DEBT ACCOUNTABLE FLEXIBLE ANTI-SOCIAL...
Aims of this lesson

Aims of this lesson

By the end of this lesson, you will know: the recommended timing for the different parts of Task 2 (analysing, planning, etc) how to edit your work how to apply a checklist of common errors to look for when editing how to quickly and accurately edit your...