Summary of this lesson

Summary of this lesson

In this lesson, you should have learned… what you have to do for sentence completion questions in the listening test the best way of approaching these types of completion questions some useful tips for choosing the correct answer some of the common errors you...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Additional tips

Narration: Here are some additional tips for this questions style. Tip 1. You should follow the instructions for the number of words. Tip 2. Wrong spelling will cost you a point. Tip 3. Consider the grammar of the question you are completing. Tip 4. Although you may...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Feedback

Narration: Now we will consider how we found the correct answers. Having completed Step 1, we knew that we should be completing the questions with up to three words or a number. We also knew that because the instructions mentioned numbers that at least one of the...
Sentence completion practice

Sentence completion practice

Now practice! Note: This is PART of a Section 4 listening section. In a complete Section 4, you would have 10 questions. For this exercise, we are only focusing on sentence completion questions. Click the link below to begin.
Video: Additional tips

Video: Steps

Narration: Here are the steps for answering this type of question. The first step is that you should read the instructions carefully. Once you are sure you know what you should be doing, the next step is to quickly look through the questions to see what the recording...