Talking about being happy

Talking about being happy

On this page, we will look at 10 different words you can use when talking about being happy. In the grid below, see if you can find 10 words about happiness! HINT: The word ‘Happy’ is one of the 10 words. If you get REALLY stuck, you can actually see the...
SONG GAPFILL: Louis Armstrong (Level: easy)

SONG GAPFILL: Louis Armstrong (Level: easy)

Level: Easy Learning English through music is not only fun, it is very effective for improving your listening skills. Play the video below and as you listen to the words (lyrics), complete the gap fill with the words you hear. When you are finished, click ‘Show...
SONG GAPFILL: Pharrell Williams (Level: medium)

SONG GAPFILL: Pharrell Williams (Level: medium)

Improve your listening skills through music 5 Level: Medium (fast but only the first half of the song!) Learning English through music is not only fun, it is very effective for improving your listening skills. Play the video below and as you listen to the words...