Video: The marking criteria

Video: The marking criteria

Narration: When the examiner marks your Task 2 essay, they are looking at 4 different criteria, each of which is worth 25% of your total score. The 4 criteria are task response, lexical resource , cohesion and coherence and grammatical range and accuracy. Task...
The instructions for Task 2

The instructions for Task 2

Regardless of how good your English is and how good your points are, you won’t get a good result in the writing test if you have not followed the instructions you are given. The length of your response, whether you have used relevant examples, the structure you...
Essential vocabulary for this lesson

Essential vocabulary for this lesson

To complete this lesson, you will need to know the following vocabulary. When you are sure you know all the words, continue to the next page. POINT OF VIEW CHALLENGE PROVIDE COHESION COHERENCE INSTRUCTIONS DEMONSTRATE STRUCTURE...
Summary of this lesson

Summary of this lesson

In this lesson, you should have learned… that you should spend about 20 minutes on Task 1 that you should write at least 150 words that you need to select and report the main features and make comparisons that you should only write about what is on the exam...