Model answer

Model answer

Now read this model answer for making suggestions and recommendations. Take notes of any useful words or phrases. Your cousin is about to apply to university. He/she cannot decide whether to study history which was their favourite subject at school or a business...
Video: Register and grammar

Video: Register and grammar

Narration: Let’s look back at the phrases used for giving suggestions from the introductory exercise. They are all used to tell somebody that you think they should do something, but are less direct and therefore more polite. As always we can split them into usage for...
Using the correct grammar

Review of register

In Unit 3, we looked at using the correct register in your letter depending on the context. Let’s review that with this quick test. Click the link below to get started!
Video: Register and grammar

Video: Suggestions and recommendations

Narration: In Task 1 of the IELTS exam, you may be required to make suggestions or recommendations. These concepts are quite similar in that you are giving an opinion on what you think someone else should do or not do. So that we do not appear to be too interfering,...