Vocabulary for giving information

Vocabulary for giving information

Here is some useful vocabulary in different registers for giving information: Informal I’m not sure if you know but… Hey, did you know…? Have you heard about…? Informal or semi-formal Just to let you know.. I thought you should know that… Semi-formal or...
Vocabulary for giving information

Model answer for asking for information

You are planning to visit another city and your friend knows some people who live there and has suggested you contact them. Write to these people. In your letter • enquire about good restaurants suitable for a budget traveller • enquire about places of interest to...
Vocabulary for giving information

Vocabulary for asking for information

Here is some useful vocabulary in different registers for asking for information: Informal I’d like to know… I’m looking for info about… Any chance you know about…? Informal or semi-formal Is there any way that you could tell me…. Can you find out about…for me? Do you...
Review of register

Review of register

In Unit 3, we looked at register (the level of formal, informal or semi formal language you should use depending on the context). In this quick test, we will review register with the three questions from the previous exercise. Click the link below to get...
Review of register

Asking for or giving information?

Before we continue with this lesson, let’s make sure you can identify between giving and asking for information with this quick test. Click the link below to get started!