Video: The aims of an introduction

Video: The aims of an introduction

Narration: Writing an introduction to Task 2. When writing an introduction to Task 2, there are a number of points you need to consider. First, you need to show the examiner that you have a clear understanding of the topic and task you are writing about. This can be...
Essential vocabulary for this lesson

Essential vocabulary for this lesson

To complete this lesson, you will need to know the following vocabulary. When you are sure you know all the words, continue to the next page. COHESION COHERENCE BRIEF INDICATE DIRECTION KEYWORDS...
Aims of this lesson

Aims of this lesson

By the end of this lesson, you will know: the aims and steps for writing an introduction in Task 2 what the examiner is looking for your introduction to demonstrate how to present your ideas with balance and direction some of the main errors to avoid the importance of...
Summary of this lesson

Summary of this lesson

In this lesson, you should have learned… how to apply a 4 point plan to pie charts how to use a range of vocabulary and structures for describing data how to apply principles learned in this lesson to bar charts and line graphs how to correlate data between more...