Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Narration: An apostrophe. The first rule for using an apostrophe is to show possession, belonging or attachment. For example: As a child, if I had done anything wrong at school I would have been sent to the Principal’s office. That is, the office belonging to...
Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Video: colons – rule 2

Narration: A colon is also used for when what follows proves or explains what is referred to before. For example: In most countries, governments have made a firm decision: they will no longer tolerate people who drive after they have been drinking.
Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Video: colons – rule 1

Narration: A colon. The first rule for using a colon is when it acts as an introduction to the information that follows. This information is often in a list format. For example: The government has three main responsibilities: to protect citizens, to maintain order,...
Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Video: semi colons – rule 2

Narration: The second rule for using a semi-colon is to separate items in a list when there is already punctuation. For example: There are a number of cities that already suffer from the problems of overcrowding, such as Mexico City, Mexico; Dhaka, Pakistan; and...
Video: apostrophes – rule 1

Video: semi colons – rule 1

Narration: A semi-colon. We saw that when combining two sentences using for, and, nor, but, or, yet, or so we use a comma. However, when combining two sentences into one but NOT using these words, we use a semi colon. For example; An increasing number of students are...