Video: Additional tips

Video: Additional tips

Narration: For multiple choice questions, there are five useful tips to remember. Each answer goes in a separate box on the answer sheet. You should expect to hear a reference to all of the choices. Some options can be rejected as they are mentioned in an opposite...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Feedback from practice exercise

Narration: For question 21, you should have noticed that the options are similar and all talk about duration of time. In the recording all options are mentioned; however, only one of the lengths of time relate to Barry’s time working at the hotel. For question 22 you...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Steps for multiple choice questions

Narration: Here are the steps for answering this type of question. Step 1. Read the instructions carefully. Sometimes you are asked for one answer and sometimes more than one answer. Step 2. Identify the keywords and the qualifying words. You should also be...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Multiple choice questions

Narration: Multiple choice questions test your ability to identify key points and details in the recording. There are three different styles of multiple choice question. You might have to answer a question by selecting one answer from a choice of three. You might have...