Practice topic card #2

Practice topic card #2

  As soon as you are ready, play the video above. All timings for preparation are given, and we strongly recommend you record yourself speaking – it’s good practice for being recorded on the day and will give you something to review.
Practice topic card #2

Practice topic card #1

As soon as you are ready, play the video above. All timings for preparation are given, and we strongly recommend you record yourself speaking – it’s good practice for being recorded on the day and will give you something to review.
Practice topic card #2

Get ready to practice!

On the next pages, you will be able to practice your Part Two skills with some timed videos. Before you begin, make sure you have a piece of paper and a pen or pencil ready for making notes.
Pacing the long turn

Pacing the long turn

Before reading any further, make sure to open the stopwatch app on your phone or find another timer. It is very common in Part Two of the speaking test for candidates to become overly nervous, and this often means we speak at a faster pace than normal. Take a quick...