Summary of this lesson

Summary of this lesson

In this lesson, you should have learned… what you have to do for forms, notes, table, flowchart and summary completion style questions the best way of approaching these types of completion questions tips for choosing the correct answer common errors you should...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Additional tips

Narration: Here are some tips for this question style. Tip 1. You should follow the instructions for the number of words. Tip 2 – wrong spelling will cost you a point. Another useful tip for this type of question is to consider the grammar of the question. The...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Feedback on the practice exercise

Narration: We already know that it is about a customer looking for a laptop. For Q1, you should have been looking for a use while travelling. For question 2, it should have been obvious that the answer was a feature or function of the product while ‘away from...
Video: Additional tips

Video: Steps

Narration: Here are the steps for answering this type of question. We have divided these steps into what you should do before the recording starts and what you should do during the recording. The first step is that you should read the instructions carefully. This is...